Ella Ponce Uribe

Ella Ponce Uribe, Chilean-Panamanian percussionist, performs her first studies at the National Conservatory of Panama. Later, he travels to Chile, where he finishes his basic stage studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Chile. In this same University, she continues her undergraduate studies, and obtains her Bachelor of Arts degree with a mention in Percussion, with professors Elena Corvalán and Ramón Hurtado. Later, she obtained her specialty in Musical Performing with Percussion with Maximum Distinction, being the fourth woman in Chile to obtain this title, and the first in Panama. She travels to Panama, where from 2002 to date she belongs to the National Symphony Orchestra of Panama; He has worked as a teacher of the National Institute of Music in the subjects of Theory, Solfeggio and Percussion; The year 2012 opens for the first time the Chair of Percussion at the University of Panama.

She has performed in various musical activities, in Panama, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Mexico among others. Since 2003 he creates the ensemble “Mixturas”, with which he has developed a work of chamber music incorporating the vibraphone and percussion to unconventional acoustic and electroacoustic formats, incorporating elements of folk music, learned and jazz. For a couple of years he has participated in the project “Tributo a Chile”, of the Panama Jazz Festival, where he shares with musicians from all Latin America and North America, spreading and developing Chilean music in international stages. He has recorded CDs with various artists in Chile and Panama, such as “Homenaje a Panamá” by violinist Luis Casal, “Legado de Mi Tierra … Panamá” by Dabaiba Conte, “Farewell”, by Ricardo Aguilera, to name a few.

Currently, he works as a teacher at the University of Panama, as a percussionist at the National Symphony of Panama, as a percussionist of the “Colectivo Voces Figuras y Ritmos”, supports the FEPECE (Percussion Festival of Central America), Panama Jazz Festival, with the projects of “Mixturas” and “Tributo a Chile”.